On August 20, 2016, a general meeting & Mini-workshop on the Basics of Navigating the E-Club and RI Websites was held at Boca2 Bar & Bites in Houston, Texas.
President Dree Miller and Treasurer Mike Miller presented an excellent workshop on the basics of navigating our e-club and RI websites.  We were shown how to create a "My Rotary" account and profile and reviewed Rotary Central with club goals, RI forums, RI resources, etc.   President Dree presented the bullet points for our club to receive the Rotary International Presidential Citation and we are already doing quite well toward accomplishing many of these goals.  All club members are encouraged to go online and create their own "My Rotary" account along with a profile including talents and interests.  Rotary Fellowship opportunities and Rotary Action Groups were also introduced.  A live streaming of the meeting was available for club members unable to attend and the video of the meeting is available on Facebook for all to see.  If you have any questions about our website or the RI "My Rotary" please direct them to our Board of Directors for clarification.  We also have three guests who all shared their intent to join our club today!  Hopefully, they will be introduced in our newsletter soon.
Winners of the door prizes were Robin Charlesworth and Tiffany Cady.  Positive comments regarding the detailed program were heard along with compliments on the venue and the great food!
REMEMBER - Each Active Rotarian in our e-club needs to input their attendance on the website or simply complete the attendance form beneath the banner on our website.  If you need assistance, please contact our Club Secretary Rosangela Catunda.