At our last meeting, Martine Stolk, our Club Secretary, became a Paul Harris Fellow for the second time!  Through regular donations to Rotary International, Martine commits funds each month so that her Paul Harris Fellow pin is upgraded each year with another stone.    Through the memorial point fund established by the wife of Barry Smith, all Rotary eClub Active members have the opportunity to use points to match their contribution to Rotary International and then we will use the Barry Smith Memorial Fund Points to match those points.  Example:  You donate $ 250, which is matched by another  250 points to make 500; then the 500 points are matched by the BSMF with 500 points so you end up with 1000 Paul Harris points - and earn your first Paul Harris pin!  
By the way, if you already have a Paul Harris Fellow pin, you will be able to add an additional level to your Paul Harris pin using the same method.   Remember that you must make the initial cash contribution of at least $250.   We will make sure that you get up to 500 points by using your donation and any current points that you or another Rotary eClub of Houston donor has so that your total of 500 points can be matched by the Barry Smith Memorial Fund.   We will be able to match your contributions through the end of April to turn $250 into $1000!    Don't wait to turn your $250 into $1000 as this offer is valid only for the first 26 Rotary eClub members!
This is truly a great opportunity  - now is the time to become a Paul Harris fellow and show the world how you live "Service Above Self".