Many Rotary clubs require new members to complete certain tasks as a "Red Badge" member prior to gaining the status as an "Active" member ofthe club.  We aim to identify a mentor Rotarian to guide each new member through this step toward active membership.  The tasks are chosen to introduce the new member to the responsibilities of being a Rotarian, such as reporting attendance and supporting our Rotary Foundation.  We are also committed to "Service Above Self" and encourage members to spend time making a difference through service in their own community, joining another Rotary club service project either in your community or an international project, and it may be done individually or with a group.  It also must be reported so we may track our club's service hours.  Below are the steps in the program:
Welcome to Rotary!  As a new member of the Rotary e-club of Houston we want you to have the opportunity to discover more about being an Active Member of our club.  We encourage your participation in our club’s projects and activities, although if you are distant from our programs we want you to know how you can be actively engaged in our club and Rotary International.
Please review the list below, and know you are not expected to complete all activities.   Simply accumulate 7 points (each activity is one point) and submit your report to either your sponsor or designated mentor who will be willing to answer any questions you may have or offer additional explanations for your throughout your discovery process.
Read three club newsletters.
Submit three attendance reports.
Set up your own My Rotary page on the Rotary International website.
Write your biography and upload a photo for our club website.
Interview 2 active members of our club (see interview questions).
Visit one traditional Rotary club meeting anywhere in the world.
Attend a board meeting (in person or online or video conference call)
Submit an article for the newsletter about Rotary or another community service or leadership training or personal growth, etc.
Attend an online social event – meet and greet our members.
Donate to the Rotary Foundation.
Attend a district committee meeting - listen and learn, and meet more Rotarians.
Attend a meeting of New Generations – perhaps Interact, Rotaract, or even EarlyAct.
Attend a District Conference or Zone Institute.
Attend  Rotary International Convention (2017 in Atlanta, GA)
Tour Rotary International Headquarters in Chicago, IL.
Participate a minimum of two hours in a service project.
Upon completion, we ask that you mentor the next new member through this process.
Red Badge Member_______________________________________________________________________________
Rotarian Mentor/Sponsor _______________________________________________________________________