“Good to see a Proactive Rotary E-Club. I liked all the messages given in your newsletter. Hope many of you also visit other Rotary Clubs in the Houston Area when your schedule allows openings in your respective schedules. Take a look at your app indicating what Rotary Clubs are meeting with info on time and where. Merry Christmas to all of you.”
We really appreciate the valuable feedback of a great leader and Past RI President Frank. Many of us in the Houston area are happy to engage in face-to-face service in Rotary as much as possible. And we love that he and many other Rotarians and non-Rotarians around the world are reading our newsletters. We are happy to share Rotary service and news to inspire others. If you would like to send us feedback on any service project, articles, or have any questions or comments, please see the left side column and click on the blue name “Adriane Miller” or “Lori Prouty” to send your message to our newsletter editors. Club members, we especially would like you to share your community service projects. Please send us a paragraph and a photo of your contribution to a better community and a better world. It is important to share good actions to spread goodness, inspiration, and a positive vibe to others.  
Best wishes of a happy 2019 to all our readers!