Our second ALL CLUB Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 15th, beginning at 6:30 pm.  We encourage all members to participate and hear from each board member.  This is a quarterly meeting held to inform all club members of the club's activities, what has been accomplished in the name of Rotary, and what is planned for our future.  Two-way communication is welcone so you may feel comfortable asking questions.  It will also help you identify where you want to participate - service projects, committees, etc. With the zoom format, you may listen while in your car or sit in an easy chair in your living room.  We have a vibrant club with many individuals volunteering in their own community independently, yet we also want everyone to feel that he or she is part of this organization to make the world a better place.  It van be challenging to be part of an e-club where there are no scheduled in-person meetings.  Therefore it is vital that you plan to participate in our zoom meetings to feel engaged in our club, and feel that you understand what our club is doing in the Rotary world and in our own community.