Imagine, as a woman, you could not participate in life during ONE week of EVERY month.
• No school for one week.
• No work for one week.
• No grocery shopping for one week.
• No helping members of your family for one week.
This is what happens to girls and women, while having their periods in a majority of our world. Thankfully, in today’s modern society we don’t have this issue as we have disposable solutions. Traditional disposable tampons and pads are unattainable luxuries in places like Honduras, where money is more often used for food and survival. Reusable pads are an economical and acceptable solution to giving 12 weeks of life back to these women in Honduras. Christine Mercer, fellow Rotarian, has partnered with and to bring as many reusable pads as possible to the women of Honduras; and she has a challenge for you!
Please help the women in Honduras take control of their own destiny by purchasing one of the reusable pad sets at this link. Click Here to reach a special link specifically for this project. Please have the order shipped to Christine Mercer at the below address, and she will take as many suitcases full of pads as she can on her next mission trip, March 16-23, 2019.
Ship to: Christine Mercer, 270 Doug Baker Blvd. Suite 700, Box 318 Birmingham, AL 35242.
Christine will update everyone with details about the program, while on her trip in March. Please feel free to forward this challenge to anyone you feel would enjoy helping.
Thank you!