The Rotary Foundation and all worldwide Rotary clubs have a motto, "Every Rotarian Every Year". That's right, we are encouraged to support OUR Foundation every year in some dollar amount plus another donation to END POLIO. PDG Nick Giannone has announced a special BONUS for your giving to the Rotary Foundation. "I thought I might try to help make us an All Paul Harris Member Club for 2023-2024. So, I am going to give everyone an incentive to donate to the Rotary Foundation in 2023-2024. Staring 7/1/24, I will credit you one point for every dollar you give to the Foundation or Polio Plus, up to 500 points or until I run out of points (around 20,000). So, one can become a Paul Harris Fellow for $500 or less instead of $1,000. Plus remember Bill Gates will triple what you give to Polio Plus! A win, win, win situation for Rotary! LET'S DO IT! Come on, let's be an ALL PAUL HARRIS CLUB in the new Rotary year."
This is a great opportunity to elevate our giving status which is monitored by Rotary International and our giving level directly impacts how much we receive in return for District Grants each year. There is no shortage on worthwhile projects, yet we always need more money to support identified projects. Please consider giving a minimum of $100 annually to our Rotary Foundation. To accomplish this login to My Rotary on the Rotary International website. There you will find a DONATE button at the top right corner. There are options for giving: Annual Fund, PolioPlus, World Fund, Disaster Response, Pakistan or Ukraine. We ask that you first select Annual Fund as a portion of these funds are returned to our district to support our District Grants. Additionally, support for the Polio Plus Fund is encouraged each year until we successfully END POLIO.
If you need assistance with this process and setting up a MyRotary login, please reach out to any of our Board members. Together we are making progress to "Make this World a Better Place".